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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Paper Chromatography lab

In Lab 3B, one was able to experiment on Chromatography (particularly on sheet chromatography)

Sheet chromatography is a separation technique that involves using a thin layer of absorbent sheet. In the lab, we dotted a spot on each strip of sheet and dipped it into water. Slowly, the colours spreaded and we were able to see the components  that made up each colour as it develops. With the experiment, we were able to calculate the Rfs (ratio of fronts) of each colour. We could calculate the Rf by using this formula: Distance #1 divided by Distance #2. In other words. the distance from D1 (where the spot spreaded to) to origin divided by solvent front (where the water rose to) to origin.
*the Rf value will always be between 0 to 1.
With the Rf determined, we were able to distinguish the component colours. (secondary colours separated into primary colours)
Overall, the lab was a very interesting experience.

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