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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Naming Compounds Review

Although it hasn't been that long, let's review how to name covalent and ionic compounds.

Covalent Compounds
-2 non-metals
-use prefixes

Carbon dioxide = CO2
Carbon tetrafluoride = CF4
HF- hydrogen monofluoride
*you don't need to put 'mono' in front of the first particle

Dry ice- solid CO2

Here's a link to some practise problems!

Ionic Compounds
-metal and non-metal
-name metal first, then non-metal
-suffix ending on the second particle(ide)

NaCl = Sodium chloride
Fe2O3 = Iron(iii) oxide
*multivalent (more than 1 charge)
Magnesium Sulphide = MgS

Here's a link to some practise problems!

Now some more fun stuff! Acids and bases.
-have H in them
-usually start with H
-dissolved in water (aqueous)

-HCl = hydrochloric acid (Cl is an element)
-H2SO4 = sulphuric acid (sulphate- ends ate -> ic)
-HClO2 = chlorous acid (chlorite - ends ite -> ous)

Citric Acid found in lemons

Bases always have the compound hydroxide in them.

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