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Sunday, October 2, 2011


Matter is a substance that has MASS and takes up VOLUME.  Matter has 3 states: solid, liquid, gas.

There are two types of matter: pure substances and  mixtures. 

Pure substances:

- fixed composition
- contains atoms of only 1 kind
-fixed physical and chemical properties
-fixed ratios of elements

Pure substances are divided into two more subgroups: elements and compounds


-cannot be broken down to further substances
- examples: Helium, Carbon, and Aragon.
-made out of atoms: metals, metalloids, non-metals


-formed by two or more elements.
-example: water  (2 hydrogen + 1 oxygen)
-examples: Methane, carbon dioxide, and sodium chloride.
-can be either covalent (organic compound) or ionic (acid, salt, base).


-contain at least two substances
- not chemically combined
-can be separated into pure compounds or elements
-has a changing set of physical properties

There are two types of mixtures:  Homogeneous and Heterogeneous.


-"homo" --> same
-has uniform  properties and compositions throughout.
-commonly referred to as solutions
-example: table salt mixed in water
Table salt mixed into water creates a homogeneous mixture. One is unable to see the different substances when mixed together.

*it can be either a solution or a colloid*


-"hetero" --> difference
-containing two or more substances, but not "mixed".
-contains different visible substances seen with the naked eye.
-example: cake mix and cookie dough

                dried beans, rice, and vegetables mixed together is an example of a heterogeneous mixture

*heterogeneous can be either suspension or mechanical mixture.*


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